I was poking around the internet the other day when the "great and powerful Youtube" brought this little video to my attention. As a person who plays the recorder, and loves its' repertoire, I'm always a little irked by these glib discussions. The video talked about the "horrible" sound of the "cheap plastic instrument." It blamed Carl Orff for the hot-cross-buns-based "torture" that parents endure. (The video did not quite understand Orff's decision to use the recorder.) Additionally, the implication that the recorder is a gateway instrument to a "real" instrument drives me nuts. (The recorder has MORE repertoire from MORE eras than any modern wind or brass instrument!) I'm pleased that the recorder is still being used in elementary music, but I think we need to do a better job treating the instrument like a "proper instrument" in its' own right. What do you think? How do we restore dignity to our lovely musical friend, the recorder?
I think this article actually does a better job explaining why Orff selected the recorder for his Orff schulwerk.