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Next Outdoor, Socially Distanced Meeting: Sunday September 13, 2020, 2:00p.m.

Join us for the start of our 2020-2021 program year on Sunday September 13, 2020. We will attempt to hold an outdoor, socially distanced jam session for our first meeting of the year. More details will be sent to members' emails.

The recorder is considered a "low risk" instrument for the transmission of viruses. By following a few simple rules we should be able to hold a safe and fun meeting. In case of inclement weather or illness, the meeting will be switched to zoom with play along videos.

We ask that this meeting only be attended by current membership.

Here are the rules:

1.  Wear your mask when not playing.

2. Bring your own lawn chair.  I have limited seating.

3.  Bring your own music stand.

4.  Bring your own music or tablet with the music loaded on it.

5.  Hand sanitizer will be available.

6.  Six feet distances will be marked.

7.  If you feel sick at all, in any way, please stay home, we will record the meeting.

8.  If you have had symptoms less than two weeks prior to the meeting, please stay home.  We will record the meeting.

We can do this safely and effectively. 

Questions, concerns? Email us:


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